Monday, April 12, 2010

What ever happened to character?

So I'm continually amazed at the sheer audacity of people. What makes people believe they are so far above everyone else that they can make promises they never intend to keep, say and do things that are beyond the realm of accepted behavior and expect to gain any respect from their children, colleagues, parents, neighbors, etc.?

I've made decisions that I knew my family, church members, friends, etc. were not going to be thrilled about, but those decisions did not affect them in any manner whatsoever. My decision to be moderately tattooed does not effect you or my parents, or my church in the slightest. That is an example of a personal choice. So please don't get it twisted. I am 100% for self-expression and living one's life in the manner that makes one happy and 100% NOT in favor of living inside someone else's box of "normal" or "expected" behavior.

I am talking about people who live their lives with no regard for others. People who think their time is the only time that matters. People who say one thing and do another. People who make promises with no intent to ever deliver. People who are simply too scared to speak the truth because it's easier for them to dance around it than grow a set and do what needs to be done. It annoys me to no end. I have no patience for it. Don't talk smack if you know good and well you aren't going to take the bull by the horns and follow through. Everyone sees through it anyway.

I always thought it was just a "no brainer" to have a little integrity and be a person of your word. Apparently, this - like many other things I thought growing up (such as all men were trustworthy because my father was...) is just a naive notion on my part. It has become a mission in my life to weed out those who lack integrity and a little character and only surround myself with those who aspire to live in a manner that is respectful to those around them. I will no longer be patient with those who believe their time is more important than mine. I will no longer believe what people say until they have proven themselves to me. I hate to have to be cynical but I would much rather have no expectations of you and be surprised than to be consistently disappointed.

It seems a bit selfish of me to do this, but I'm learning that being a giver means being taken advantage of in so many situations. I'm not a doormat and I will not allow myself to be treated as such.



Saturday, April 10, 2010


Life & Death.



My subject.

My best buddy.

