I've been thinking about the way this country came to be and the reasons for leaving England to begin with. I've been thinking about how I was taught that America is "the melting pot" and how our beautiful country is so much more so because it is diverse.
If we truly believed that America was founded on a yearning for freedom - would we really fight so hard to make everyone just like us? Why do we judge those who dress differently or wear their hair differently? Or speak with a different dialect or accent? Why do we act as though our rights are the only ones that matter? Why do we get to choose who can enjoy real freedom and who gets the short end of the stick?
I'm tired of hearing about the "sanctity of marriage." I'm sick of straight people who have been married and divorced multiple times, those who have co-habitated and had children outside of wedlock, had affairs, been cheated on, been the "other wo/man," etc., etc., etc., tell my LGBT brothers and sisters that they aren't good enough to receive the legal benefits of marriage under federal law. It is 100% hypocritical and, in my opinion, it is the ultimate show of arrogance.
So, for anyone who, until now, was unsure of my stance on equality - let me be very clear. I am a born again Christian. I accepted Christ as my personal Savior many years ago. I have a personal walk with God that isn't defined by a Sunday School attendance chart. And I am an ally of the LGBT community. I am 100% in favor of equal rights under law. I cannot understand for the life of me how anyone can fail to see that this is not a religious issue. It is not a BIBLE issue. No one is ATTACKING your straight marriage. No one is expecting your pastor to perform gay marriages. (In fact, there is protection for churches who choose not to sanction same-sex marriages.) There is a HUGE difference in religious beliefs and legal protections. We are a nation of many races, creeds, cultures, and faiths. We simply cannot base the legal expectations and benefits for ALL citizens on the religious beliefs of SOME citizens. I don't understand why it is so confusing. I'm sure if someone tried to make Muslim laws the rule of law for all citizens, including Christians, there would be hell to pay. Why do Christians think they've got the market cornered and that they get to make all the rules?
If you are against gay marriage for whatever reasons - fine. Don't marry someone of the same sex. But, please try to take your religious views out of the argument. I love God. As do many gays and lesbians across this country. Dearly and truly. (Even if you think there is no such thing as a "gay Christian.") Please accept the fact that your religious views aren't the only ones present in our big, beautiful country. Your world view isn't the only one that matters. Try to see the world from another perspective. Spend some time with a gay person. Talk to them about their life. Their hopes. Their goals. Don't try to evangelize them. Don't tell them you love them but hate their sin.
Just love. Stop there. You may be surprised at what you see.
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