Friday, March 29, 2013


I will preface this post (as the last) by saying I'm very emotional tonight and this is another "purge." But, as I was very recently told, "Being dishevelled is so wonderfully human." So, here goes.

As most anyone who watches any news or interacts on any form of social media certainly knows by now, the last few days have been historical. The Supreme Court of the United States began hearing testimony in the case of Prop 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act this week. An opinion isn't expected from the high court for a few months, but opinions are flying like daggers all over the internet.

There is a flurry of activity on Facebook and similar social media sites. It seems there is no middle ground with this issue. People are either very pro-LGBT and therefore very pro-civil rights... or the polar opposite. My heart is broken tonight over the lack of compassion and love that I see coming from those who claim to be God's elite. I'm not sure why I'm surprised - but I'm shaken.

Interpretation of Scripture has been used to facilitate some of the worst atrocities in human history. Hitler believed he was doing God's work, as evidenced in Mein Kampf, "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." Slavery, segregation, the subjugation of women have all been justified with scripture. What we are seeing now with regard to our LGBT brothers and sisters is no different.

The arrogance and haughty spirit I see taking over so much of Christianity breaks my spirit. The vast amount of misinformation, twisted scripture, value of opinion over charity, pride over grace, and the desire to be right over the desire to be kind rips my heart from my chest.

I have hope though. I have hope because I am starting to see authentic, Christ-like love pour from unexpected places. I'm not sure why I am surprised. My Savior was always found with the misfits, the outcasts, the "others." I should've been here all along.

God has sent some amazing new comrades my way in recent weeks and I'm sure the losses I'll experience have probably only just begun. But I have made my decision that I can no longer be silent while people I love are suffering injustice. This is a scary and invigorating place. We are called by God to love one another and to care for one another. We are to be known by our fruit. I do not see anywhere in scripture where the fruit of the Spirit is bigotry, pride, arrogance, name calling, elitist behavior, alleging to love the sinner and hate the sin. The fruit of the Spirit is LOVE, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Can we please focus on these things and hold ALL of our brothers and sisters up in prayer and friendship instead of letting biological differences tear us apart?

All my love,


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